Blake Tiggemann

What I'm Currently Doing

As of today October 21, 2024 here is what I'm currently doing.

Most of my week involves still working at my day job of renting and selling (shipping) containers. This involves both B2B and B2C sales. It's a great job that allows me the flexibility to work on my creative works. If you're interested in a job that supports your art, too - Sales may be a good fit for you. For more on this I highly recommend reading the essay How To Do What You Love and Make Good Money.

My current (creative) projects can be found (here). The paintings I'm working on are based off of photos rendered on MidJourney and then projected onto the canvas (or panel). There, I use paint to fill in the details. I record most of my paintings in full length videos on my YouTube channel.

Also, I've been playing around with HTML and CSS on a small web project, a (curated list of Affordable SEO Tools).

Other than that, I'm trying to get this website to a place where I like it, and continue to add to it.